Jewellery Care Tips for Long-lasting Beauty

Jewellery Care Tips for Long-lasting Beauty

jewellery is a prized possession for many people, and it's no wonder why. Fine craftsmanship and unique designs make each piece one-of-a-kind. At Jewel Box by Arnav, we understand the value of these pieces, and we want to help you keep them in pristine condition for years to come. That's why we've put together some jewellery care tips to help you maintain the long-lasting beauty of your favorite pieces.

Store your jewellery properly

The first step in caring for your jewellery is to store it properly. Keep your pieces in a dry, cool place, away from sunlight and moisture. jewellery boxes with compartments or individual pouches are ideal for storing different pieces of jewellery, as they help prevent tangling and scratching.

Clean your jewellery regularly

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining the luster and shine of your jewellery. Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to gently remove dirt and dust. For more delicate pieces, a gentle cleaning solution and a soft cloth can be used. However, be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface of your jewellery.

Handle your jewellery with care

jewellery, especially fine pieces, can be fragile and easily damaged. When handling your jewellery, be gentle and avoid tugging or pulling on it. Always put on your jewellery after applying makeup, lotions, or perfumes, as these can dull the shine of your pieces over time.

Take off your jewellery before engaging in activities

Engaging in activities such as swimming, sports, or manual labor can put your jewellery at risk of damage or loss. It's always a good idea to take off your jewellery before engaging in such activities to prevent any accidents.

Get your jewellery professionally cleaned

While regular cleaning can help maintain the shine of your jewellery, getting it professionally cleaned once or twice a year can help keep it looking like new. A professional jeweler can remove dirt and grime from hard-to-reach places and perform any necessary repairs or adjustments.

At Jewel Box by Arnav, we take pride in our unique designs and fine craftsmanship. We want our customers to enjoy their jewellery for years to come, which is why we offer online shopping with high-quality pieces that are made to last. By following these jewellery care tips, you can keep your pieces looking like new and preserve their one-of-a-kind beauty for generations to come.