Sarthi Golden Kada
Sarthi Golden Kada

Sarthi Golden Kada

Regular price Rs. 1,800.00
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Introducing our "Sarthi Golden Kada" – true to its name, this kada is your trusted companion, ready to accompany you with effortless style wherever you go. Crafted from premium brass and finished with a radiant golden polish, the Sarthi Kada is designed to complement any ensemble.

This versatile piece is more than just a kada; it's a statement of versatility and sophistication. Whether you wear it with your everyday stack, pair it with a watch, or stack it alongside our Amrita and Sooraj Kadas for an extra touch of elegance, the Sarthi Golden Kada effortlessly enhances your look.

Wear the Sarthi Golden Kada with confidence, knowing that it adds a touch of refinement and charm to any outfit. Its classic yet modern design makes it suitable for all occasions, from casual outings to formal events.

Make a statement with the Sarthi Golden Kada – your ultimate accessory for timeless style and effortless sophistication.

Material : Brass

Size : Adjustable